Meghe Dhaka Tara (2013) – The Perfect Tribute

    Firstly its not a movie review, you can treat this as my fb status update. Secondly, I wanted to share this with all the cinema lovers who might have missed this brilliant piece of art. Hope it reaches some. And yes, I am really … Continue reading

Roman Holiday – A Fun-Sized Vacation Worth Taking…


The trailer gave me vibes of it being similar to few Bollywood movies ( i mean these bollywood films may have been loosely based on Roman Holiday.. ) like “Dil Hai Ke Maanta Nahi”, “Hum Hain Rahi Pyar ke” “Mast” and few more… And when i finished watching this film, I understood I was partly right. But Yes, Roman Holiday stands out from all these Bollywood love stories in terms of Story-telling… Performances… Music… and the way its Picturized. Also the Locations.. Characters… especially Joe’s Friend… and Joe’s Landlord are very amusing.. and of course.. ‘Gregory Peck’  & “AUDREY HEPBURN”.. And what i also liked about this film is it doesn’t have many characters in it.. Also the dialogues are minimal but touch your heart every time a character delivers it, it does enhance the impact of several sequences.

The humour quotient is well maintained throughout the film… the whole Night sequence where Joe Meets Anya and all the adventures they have is very funny… There are certain scenes in the film which has lot of repeat value…  i paused the movie and watched the step scene (where Anya is walking dizzily and Joe is climbing up the stairs and Anya walks straight into a different direction) 5 times in a loop… Really, Loved the way they have shot this scene.. Thumbs Up to the Director – Blake Edwards! Also the scene where Joe Shifts Anya from Bed to the Couch… The way he shifts is so unexpected and funny.. and off course that legendary scooter ride scene… Heaps Funny…And Romantic too!!


This movie has lot of dramatic scenes as well.. but The Pre-Climax Scene… When their fun-filled adventurous Holiday is about to finish… when they have to part ways… when they are out of words..  only their expressions speak.. WOW.. You actually feel True Romance here, the way both the lead actors have enacted their parts in this particular scene is worth the praise.. Too Emotional, It will have you in tears. And Yes, the Climax is very unpredictable, so don’t worry, Its not a spoiler!


This film totally belongs to Audrey Hepburn… This role seems tailor made for her. Her Body Language… her Expressions… her comic timing… her Confidence.. all fall upon wonderfully. I liked the way Director has introduced her character and her distress as a princess, specifically The Sandal scene… and the scene where she’s expressing her problems to her countess in the night… Her expressions are truly wonderful and makes you laugh.. and make you like her. Her acting takes the scene to another level.. Really… Every scene, Every Frame which has Audrey in it is very delightful to watch.

Gregory Peck conveys a lot through his eyes. He pretends to look as cool as cucumber even in the toughest of situations, which is the hallmark of a really fine actor, And the chemistry he shares with Audrey is Superb!! but yes.. Audrey overpowered him… Totally!!

This movie is a Classic Love Story with a pinch of humour! Everything about this film is Great… but AUDREY.. is Beyond Great!! No wonder she won an Oscar for this movie, and a Golden Globe… And a BAFTA award too.

Roman Holiday is indeed a fun-sized vacation you can take with your family this weekend… or may be tonight… or may be.. Right now… I am sure You’ll Cherish it for a long time… !!

Bon Voyage!! 🙂