Photo Courtesy: http://barbarashdwallpapers.com/hd-wallpaper-with-tree-and-road/

I was surfing the internet for some HD wallpapers of nature and I ended up at this beautiful Image of a Tree and Road in the meadows & it reminded me of one picture I had clicked 2 years back at my friends village while I was enjoying the bullock cart ride. I don’t know for some reason I found them similar and, its funny but it gave me a reality check about a very common saying, Nothing Is Permanent, no matter what you do.

Check out the picture I clicked.

All of a sudden realised whatever starts, at some point it has to end. Whatever is formed will perish, someday. There’s no point having smugness about how you look today or how much money you have, ultimately, you will look aged & will go senile. That money is not going to get you peace & happiness you are trying so hard to seek. So instead of worrying & stressing so much about it right now, think about what will keep you happy & strong, with that wrinkles on your face, and work hard towards it.  May be a small farmhouse with your lovely wife/husband with a pet & no Internet… or… maybe doing something for the society… or write a book. It can be anything. The answer lies within us, it’s just that sometimes we really don’t know them and sometimes we pretend we don’t know them.

I hope you have your answer and your working hard towards it, I have mine.

All The Best & Lead A Beautiful Life ahead!!!

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